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The Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WECE) organization is dedicated to providing its members with valuable corporate events and networking opportunities to help them succeed in their careers.


One of our key events is the Company GMs, where recruiters and industry professionals come to speak to our members about job opportunities and the latest trends in the field. These events offer valuable insights into the industry and allow members to make connections with recruiters and other professionals.


WECE also participates in conferences such as Grace Hopper and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Conference, which provide opportunities for members to network with professionals and attend workshops and panel discussions on topics related to ECE.


In addition to formal events, WECE also provides informal networking opportunities through Corporate Chats. These discussions allow members to share their experiences and insights, discuss challenges they are facing, and seek advice from other members who have been through similar situations.


At WECE, we believe that building a strong network of connections is essential for career success in the field of electrical and computer engineering. By providing our members with a variety of corporate events and networking opportunities, we aim to empower and support women in the field and help them achieve their professional goals.

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